Tag - plastic surgeon in Gurgaon

breast reduction surgery

Preventing Future Issues: How Breast Reduction Surgery Addresses Long-Term Health Concerns

Breast reduction surgery is a transformative medical intervention that transcends cosmetic enhancements, playing a pivotal role in mitigating an array of potential health issues associated with disproportionately large breasts. Beyond the aesthetic realm, the surgery is a proactive solution to address the physical discomfort and strain experienced by many women. The breast reduction benefits extend...

breast reduction surgery

7 Things You Should Know Before Getting A Breast Reduction Surgery

Women with overly large breasts often feel self-conscious, insecure and unhappy with the size and appearance of their breasts. A breast reduction surgery helps get rid of excess breast tissue and gland thus reducing the size of breasts. Medically known as reduction mammoplasty, this surgery greatly benefits women who lead an uncomfortable life due...

tummy tuck surgery

Liposuction and Tummy Tuck, Are They Similar?

Are you considering plastic surgery to get rid of the abnormal weight around your midsection for a leaner physique? Liposuction surgery and tummy tuck surgery are two common procedures to address your concerns.   So, are they similar? It may be confusing. The answer to this is No. So let us differentiate between the two...

liposuction surgery in gurgaon

PAL and VAL – The Two Pillars of Liposuction Surgery Today

Liposuction refers to a series of surgical procedures that focus on eliminating stubborn and extra fat from different parts of the body. The fat that is resistant to diet and exercise is eliminated through liposuction. The common sites for fat deposition are the hips, abdomen, thighs, waist, neck, back of the arms, buttocks and...